USISA and Xena Workwear Join Forces to Drive Workplace Safety and Inclusivity

[Omaha, NE] - The United States Industrial Safety Association (USISA) is excited to announce a new partnership with Xena Workwear, a workwear brand created by women and for women. This partnership provides USISA members and their families exclusive member discounts on Xena Workwear including steel toe boots, multi-pocketed blazers, and their newest work pants.

USISA is a leading association dedicated to enhancing workplace safety standards and fostering a culture of safety across industries in the United States. Their mission is to provide resources, education, and support to high hazard businesses in the US to effectively address safety challenges and ensure the well-being of workers. With a growing network of safety professionals and industry leaders, USISA plays a pivotal role in shaping safety practices nationwide.

"Working as a project engineer in manufacturing, I grew tired of wearing bulky work boots that made it impossible to dress professionally,” said Ana Kraft, Founder and CEO of Xena Workwear, “women in demanding industries deserve better workwear that helps them stay safe AND feel confident."

“As the number of women in industrial roles increases, outfitting them in gear that fits and functions is critical, this makes Xena Workwear a valuable partner for USISA,” said Abby Ferri, Managing Partner of USISA, “together, we can make a difference in the lives of industrial workers and their families.”

To learn more about this partnership and to take advantage of the exclusive discounts and offers, login to the members-only area of the USISA website.

For media inquiries or more information, please contact:

US Industrial Safety Association

Contact: Nikki Vacek

Email: [email protected]

Become a Member

The association welcomes all high hazard and industrial businesses for membership. Member pricing is dependent on employee count and industry category and requires no additional purchase or insurance products for consideration. To apply for USISA membership, please fill out the following inquiry form and we will be in touch.